In the spring of 2016, six Environmental Science seniors from UCLA collected photo images of animals around Spectrum V business park, in the vicinity of the Coast to Cleveland Wildlife Corridor. The results of their project are in, and show some interesting trends. Of concern is a lack of bobcats sightings; Only one bobcat was seen. Coyotes were plentiful, and perhaps predictably, small animals were more prolific in areas were predators stayed away.

Small animals stay away from areas where top predators roam.
The photos we aren’t seeing also speak volumes. Generally, we do not see any photos of animals emerging from culverts, possibly an indication that animals may not want to use them.

Coyote walks over culvert, rather than through it.
The big question is, now that we know they’re here, will these animals be able to cross under the I-5 and connect with inland populations? The flow of wildlife is important to maintain a healthy ecosystem in these coastal wildlands.
For more information on the Coast to Cleveland Wildlife Corridor, a project of Laguna Greenbelt, Inc., please visit
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