March 13, 2018

FivePoint hosted an event celebrating the groundbreaking of the OC Great Park Wildlife Corridor in Irvine, California. The corridor is the central part of the larger Irvine-Laguna Wildlife Corridor, and will run along the eastern edge of the Great Park adjacent to housing developments. This event represents a major milestone in the decades-long process of envisioning, planning, zoning, and financing a re-wilded animal corridor on a former military base. This project involved long-term collaborative partnerships among the City of Irvine, FivePoint, and Laguna Greenbelt, Inc. and its advocacy partners.


The future site of the OC Great Park Wildlife Corridor (central portion of the Coast to Cleveland Wildlife Corridor) in Irvine, California.


Dr. Elisabeth Brown speaks to the audience at the groundbreaking ceremony.


Representatives from FivePoint, Laguna Greenbelt, Inc., and The City of Irvine pause for a photo


Friends of the Wildlife Corridor


FIvePoint created beautiful educational materials for the groundbreaking event